Hilton Cleveland Downtown Hotel
The Hilton Cleveland Downtown Hotel, located at Lakeside Avenue and Ontario Street, is the tallest hotel in the city and one of the latest additions to the Cleveland skyline.
CLIENT Donley’s Inc.
LOCATION Cleveland, OH
CONCRETE 14,000 cubic yards
PROJECT SPECS Constructing a 32-story, 600,000-square-foot building
Broadway Avenue Bridge
The Broadway Avenue Bridge is part of ODOT's Cleveland Innerbelt Modernization Plan.
CLIENT Kokosing Construction Company
LOCATION Cleveland, OH
CONCRETE 18,000+ cubic yards
PROJECT SPECS Rockport Ready Mix supplied concrete to:
- Replace the Broadway Avenue Bridge over I-77 with a longer-span bridge
- Widen I-77 by one northbound and one southbound lane
- Reconstruct the ramp from 490 to I-77 south
- Remove the Broadway Avenue entrance ramp to I-77 and construct a ¾-mile frontage road on the west side of I-77 that connects Broadway Avenue to Pershing Avenue where traffic can access I-77 South
Project Clean Lake
Shoreline Storage Tunnel
Project Clean Lake is the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District’s (NEORSD) 25-year program designed
to reduce the occurrence of combined sewer overflows into Lake Erie and surrounding waterways.
The project consists of three diaphragm wall access shafts ranging in depth from 129 feet to 160 feet at three different locations along the tunnel alignment to launch and retrieve the tunnel boring machine for the Shoreline Storage Tunnel.
The project utilized a special concrete mix that placed 13,900 CY of concrete by displacing a cement bentonite mass slurry from the bottom of the shaft up to the surface.
CLIENT: Nicholson Construction Company
LOCATION: Cleveland, OH
CONCRETE: 13,900 cubic yards